What is Wholesaling Real Estate? [Pros & Cons Every Beginner Should Know]
Learn all you need to know about wholesaling real estate, its pros, cons, and how to join a community of veteran real estate investors.
How To Find a Good Contractor: 8 Pro Tips
Find out how to find a good contractor for your goals + a checklist of some kind to help you land a contractor that will fit your budget, understand your plans and help you achieve your real estate goals.
What is a Real Estate Trust [REITs]? How Do They Work?
A Real Estate Investment Trust [REIT] is a company that invests in income-producing real estate. These firms make it possible for potential real estate investors to buy company shares.
Complete Guide to Washington DC Housing Market [2021 Edition]
The Washington DC housing market has seen its share of ups & downs during the last months. Learn what's going on & stats on median pricing for various areas in DC.
Washington DC: First Time Home Buyer Guide [2021 Edition]
What if there was a way for first-time homebuyers in DC to secure quality real estate investments without even having to break the bank? Well, if you're searching for an easy way to participate in the DC real estate market without having any prior investments at all, then this guide will show you exactly how.
The Real Truth Behind DC Property Tax: What You Need to Know
A property in D.C. is taxed based on its classification. Classification can be described as the grouping of properties based on similar use. Property issues are taken very seriously in the district, so it is no surprise that the government has an adequately structured property tax system.
Buying a House in DC: Beginner's Guide
Buying a house in DC is often a daunting experience for first-timers, and with good reason. These are problems first-timers usually face and in this guide, I discuss ways to tackle such issues and ensure that your future house purchases serve their purpose; be it for real estate investments or just a place to call home!
What is ARV? Your After Repair Value Formula
The After-Repair-Value (ARV) is an estimate of what a house or property will be worth after renovations and repairs have been completed. (Open to see ARV formula)
How to Increase Home Value - Best 2021 Trends
Home improvements are pretty necessary as they are a prerequisite to boosting the resale value of your property. These include curb attachments, cabinet remodeling, adding extra space, and even changing your floor's material.
Flipping Houses 101 [Beginner's Guide]
Flipping a house is not as easy & straightforward as it seems. Learn how to flip a house & master all the processes needed to be profitable. (Contains information 1% of house-flippers use to close in record numbers all year round)
What is Real Estate Crowdfunding? Beginner's Guide 101
Real estate crowdfunding is an innovative and convenient way to invest in the budding market while avoiding these two downsides. (I’ll break down the basics for you).
How to Start Flipping Houses – with $0
House flipping is so profitable that many experts in the real estate space build their entire careers around it. This guide lays out how to start flipping houses with $0 to little capital.
How to Flip a House (Easy Step-By-Step Guide)
The idea of house flipping is to make short term profits over a long period, but this doesn't mean you shouldn't treat it like a business! House flippers are entrepreneurs who ensure that every part of their business runs smoothly. They do this by creating a house flipping business plan. A house flipping business plan should cover the following aspects…
How to Invest in Real Estate: Get Started (2021 Guide)
If you are interested in generating passive income, real estate investing is one of the best ways to start your portfolio. However, it’s essential for beginners to learn how to invest in real estate to avoid making common mistakes and errors.